Duties of Project Managers

The necessary main topics are given in the first part, don't worry! Details of the titles of the 1st day will come to you in the coming topic!

<aside> <img src="https://images.emojiterra.com/google/noto-emoji/v2.034/512px/1f511.png" alt="https://images.emojiterra.com/google/noto-emoji/v2.034/512px/1f511.png" width="40px" /> Everything project managers do helps ensure that the project is completed on time and within budget. In general, the project manager also needs to ensure that the outcome of the project adds value to the company.


<aside> ✅ But the most important thing a project manager needs to know about a standard workday is this: You will use different tools, techniques and methodologies every day. There will be no question of getting bored with work.


USEFUL RESOURCES for First Look at Project Management

Common Words You will Encounter Frequently in Project Management